Diagnostic Tool Rental Program

J-Ball Electronics is pleased to announce the addition of TEXA diagnostic tools to our rental program.

Expanding on on our existing line of Diagnostic Laptop Kit and TuneTap Handheld Tuner rentals, TEXA all-brand diagnostic scanner kit rentals are a great way to try TEXA before you buy. If you purchase a TEXA kit within one month of your rental the rental fees are applied to your purchase.

TEXA all-brand diagnostic tools often cost less than a single OEM lite software tool and connects to nearly every manufacturer around the globe. Connect to engines, cab controllers, hydraulic systems and a variety of others.

TEXA’s software provides top-tier diagnostics including:

  • Identifying fault codes
  • Perform service routines
  • Configure replacement components
  • Adjust and set parameters
  • Perform stationary regens
  • Perform cylinder cut-out tests

For more information call toll-free 1-855-326-8863.

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