TEXA Operator Entry Selection

With the release of recent versions of TEXA Truck and Off-Highway diagnostic software, a new feature called Operator Entry comes enabled by default which causes a popup message to jump up when starting a diagnostic session.

Operator Entry allows the TEXA owner to add the names of the people using TEXA so they can be selected at the start of the diagnostic process. The Operator name will appear in printouts and reports.

The popup window explains what actions need to be taken but many TEXA users confuse this with the Navigator TXT not being configured because of the Configure icon. This screen is saying the user has the option of disabling Operator selection or Configure. Disabling it is straightforward, click the button and TEXA will not prompt again.

To add Operator names click the Configure button on the popup window, TEXA loads the Configuration Wizard so Operator names can be managed in the bottom left corner of the screen. Click the + button to add Operators.

Enter the Operator name and click the green check mark.

As many Operators names as needed may be entered. When finished entering operators click the arrow at the bottom right corner of the screen then complete the Configuration Wizard for your diagnostic adapter.

When performing a diagnosis TEXA now presents a list of Operators to choose from.

If Operator Entry has been disabled and you want to enable it, click the settings icon at the top of the screen.

Click the User Preferences icon at the bottom of the screen then scroll down to Enable operator entry and check the box.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with Operator Entry or any other TEXA issue please call J-Ball Electronics toll-free at 1-855-326-8863.

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