New Remote Support Tool Download

We’ve moved away from TeamViewer for remote support, call 1-855-326-8863 to receive your 9 digit code to start the download of the new remote support tool from Austin Texas based Solarwinds.

How to install Solarwinds Dameware Remote Everywhere:

  1. Go to
  2. Call 1-855-326-8863 to receive the 9 digit code to start the download.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  4. The Computer Name has been assigned by the Technician at J-Ball, if you change this advise them because this is how you appear in our control panel.
  5. Click NO to assigning a Master Password.
  6. You have completed the installation when you see the Solarwinds Dameware screen with the J-Ball Electronics logo and a message “Your device is ready to receive remote support”
  7. The J-Ball Technician will connect to your computer at this point OR you can click the Request Assistance button.
  8. Please be aware that Request Assistance only works during J-Ball Electronics business hours and we recommend you also call our toll-free number (1-855-326-8863) when you Request Assistance.

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