Diesel fuel prices up in 2019

Prices are up 15 cents across the US in the first four months of 2019. Factors pushing prices higher include increased demand, reduction in domestic heavy oil production, OPEC production cuts, ongoing sanctions and production problems in Venezuala and coming marine regulations requiring the use of low sulphur diesel marine fuel.

With diesel fuel being the single largest operating expense for truckers, even small gains in fuel efficiency can help balance the books and improve profitability.

Custom ECM tuning for your heavy duty diesel engine adjusts engine power, torque, fuel maps and other settings to suit your load, driving style and local conditions to deliver improve fuel efficiency. Most drivers will notice an improvement of 1/2 MPG and as much as 3 MPG.

Call 1-855-326-8863 or email to find out how Custom ECM Tuning can help you save big at the pumps.

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